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已有 358 次阅读2019-2-13 19:54 |个人分类:安步以当车| 庙宇, 启发, 智慧

到过的琅勃拉邦寺庙,坤滔寺(Wat Pa Phon Phao)和迈佛寺(Wat Mai)院内,各悬着些铭牌,摘引、镌刻了经文中一些箴言,迈佛寺的,配有英译,遂记下——

“Light dispels darkness,Wisdom dispels ignorance.”


“The wise master themselves.”


“Everyone may be a fool,but nobody is a fool forever.”


“Transient are all the elements of being.”


“Selfishness is the father of all evil.”


“Living without an aim is like a sailing without a compass.”


“An idealist is a person who helps other people to be prosperous.”


“A man even of lowly birth, if he's diligent wise, and of good conduct and morality,can thrive like a glow on a dark night. ” 


“We have not beyond the death. ”


“Be happy life.”


“The Noble Eightfort Path:Right understanding,Right meditatio,Right intention,Right mindfuness,Right speech,Right effort,Right action,Right livelihood.”




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