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She Moved Through The Fair

热度 8已有 666 次阅读2013-7-10 23:48 |个人分类:阅读记| wedding, through, father, mother, Moved

My young love said to me我的初恋曾对我说:
My mother won't mind 我母亲并不介意
And my father won't slight you 而我父亲也不会轻视你
For your lack of kind 虽然你还不具备的条件
Then she stepped away from me 然后她转身离去
And this she did say 她的确是这样说的:
"It will not be long love, “我俩的爱将不会耽搁太久,
till our wedding day". 直到我们结婚的那天”

She stepped away from me 她转身离去
and she moved through the fair 穿过市集
and fondly I watched her 我深情地看着她
Moved here and move there 在人群中来回穿梭
Then she made her way homeward 然后朝她家的方向走去
with one star awake 当星星开始闪烁 
As the swan in the evening 她宛如夜幕里的一只天鹅
moves over the lake 在湖面上缓缓游过 My young love said to me我的初恋曾对我说:
My mother won't mind 我母亲并不介意
And my father won't slight you 而我父亲也不会轻视你
For your lack of kind 虽然你还不具备的条件
Then she stepped away from me 然后她转身离去
And this she did say 她的确是这样说的:
"It will not be long love, “我俩的爱将不会耽搁太久,
till our wedding day". 直到我们结婚的那天”

She stepped away from me 她转身离去
and she moved through the fair 穿过市集
and fondly I watched her 我深情地看着她
Moved here and move there 在人群中来回穿梭
Then she made her way homeward 然后朝她家的方向走去
with one star awake 当星星开始闪烁 
As the swan in the evening 她宛如夜幕里的一只天鹅
moves over the lake 在湖面上缓缓游过

I dreamt it last night 昨夜我做了个梦
That my dear love came in 梦见我的至爱朝我走来
So softly she moved 她步履轻盈
That her feet made no din 悄然无声
Then she came close beside me 然后走到我的身旁
And this she did say 她的确是这样说的:
"It will not be long love, “我俩的爱将不会耽搁太久,
till our wedding day". 直到我们结婚的那天” 
I dreamt it last night 昨夜我做了个梦
That my dear love came in 梦见我的至爱朝我走来
So softly she moved 她步履轻盈
That her feet made no din 悄然无声
Then she came close beside me 然后走到我的身旁
And this she did say 她的确是这样说的:
"It will not be long love, “我俩的爱将不会耽搁太久,
till our wedding day". 直到我们结婚的那天”






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回复 矛盾集合 2013-7-13 22:04


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